Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Saturday brought an all-day snow of at least 12".
Champagne powder that would have the folks in Steamboat jealous.... too bad there are no mountains in S. Maryland. Pix show Sunday morning sunrise & moonset.
Not likely that we'll be seeing Walter back for a few days!


  1. Wow...great progress..
    And very pretty and peaceful pics of the snow.

  2. Hi Guys! I have built my own home before, and know how excited you are. One day you think you'll never begin, then wonder if it will ever all end. Alas, the day arrives when you receive your Certificate of Occupancy and that day is yours! Enjoy each day, its ups and down, forwards and backwards. Wally and I will enjoy the process with you. Good Luck and God's Speed.



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