Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I write this entry alone tonite. Steve has already crashed in the bedroom after working "footers" all day. The construction crew gave him quite an education on what "a good day's work" really is.
Pix include; 1) Billy walking the site before digging, re-baring & pouring begins (note the blue stake lines from day before), 2) Johhny digging in heavy machinery & Billy measuring the footers [8 inches deep] , 3) worksite after footer digging completed [hope i can get those truck tracks out of my kitchen!] , 4) concrete being poured into bobcat, 5) bobcat pouring concrete into footers/re-bar. WX warmed today to the balmy 40's, guys were down to their sweatshirts - no coats. The footers will need a few days to set. Next big milestone is masonry, with Walter scheduled to lay down concrete blocks early next week.

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