Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Granite Tuesday !

Team from 'Solid Rock' arrived today with a truck full of beautiful counter-top stone for the new house. Seth, Matt & John brought us; 'Yellow River' granite for kitchen and dining room, 'Ubatuba' granite for den (matches the fireplace) , and some Carrera marble for the master bath. The Solid Rock guys wasted no time in hand-carrying the stone into the house, glueing/acrylic bonding the stone into place, leveling and chaulking with silicone sealant. Took them only ~4 hours to complete the job. Once the Solid Rock guys left, John's crew (Ricky, Billy & Ricky) installed the ovens into wall cabinet in the kitchen. We just need power, gas and water before 'soup's on' !


  1. Everything looks incredible! We can't wait for you to be able to enjoy your beautiful new home. Moving day must not be far off...

  2. Granite is a "wow".....hope moving day is prior
    to 11-18-10. If not, remind me to pack my work gloves.



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