Sunday, June 20, 2010

Inside progress

Here's a few shots from inside the house to show you what's been going on in the interior. Old construction stairs removed on Friday & nice new oak staircase was installed. Rails and landing are still in-work. Air handler & ducting for 2nd floor heating/cooling was installed in the attic. Another similar system will eventually be installed in the crawl space to manage the first floor air. Gas fireplace box installed in first floor 'away-room', with cabinet space & TV to be built-in above it. Starting to fill-in on inside of house :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Garage roofed

Happy 1st Birthday Caroline ! In honor of your big day, the team from Snell & Sons arrived this morning to roof the garage. It was a cooker today at 87 deg. I took a few jumps off the dock to cool off after cutting the grass. Tomorrow's high to be near 95 deg. Good thing the roof went up today!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Garage construction begins

Garage is taking shape, 3 days to get the first floor built. And "Dave's Plumbing" has arrived, pipes popping up all over the house :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

2nd floor sun deck in & HVAC ducting delivered

90 deg and breezy on our new deck. Makes for a nice spot to enjoy a cold adult beverage :) Ducting from T.N. Bowes delivered last friday, as was the lumber package for the garage. HVAC, Plumbers, Electricians scheduled to start working this week. Nice view of farm/cornfield from 2nd floor window.


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