Thursday, April 29, 2010

Framing up from 2nd deck

Less windy today, so lots of progress from Cleto & Brothers. 1st 3 pix are street view, last is den and porch looking towards river.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Windy day for framing

2nd floor framing today, but high winds kept the team from doing a full day on the 2nd deck. Cleto kept everyone but himself off the second floor (except for the guy that was taking the pictures :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

1st floor framing done in under 5 days

Here's an advanced look at where the; Living room windows, Away room ('den') casements, and master bedroom bay window will be installed. Last pix is entire framing team putting up the sheathing on first floor. Go team Cleto !

1st Floor framing

Cleto's team (family business) from "Moncivais Carpentry" has arrived and they are not wasting any time with the house framing. This is the fun part to watch !

Framing starts!

Late in posting as this work was completed ~ a week ago. Lumber package for first floor delivered, steel beams and floor joist beams were set. Neighbor 'Craig' assisted with caulk as crawl space was covered by first floor.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Window" Shopping

We took a road trip today up to Morgantown, PA, to the ViWinco Window Plant. This is the company we've decided to buy our vinyl windows from. Beautiful drive through Lancaster County (rolling hills of PA Dutch Country) on an 89 deg day, what happened to Spring ?
We had a very nice tour thru the plant and saw all steps of the manufacturing process. They make some really beautiful vinyl windows. See a video tour of the plant at the following website:
Amy & Mike in customer service were great to meet and talk to. Thanks for the tour Mike !

April 5 = Concrete

Concrete for garage & house crawl space was poured on Monday. Shouldn't be long now for framing to start.


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